Memory and processor cards Plastic Cards - Plastic cards, ID cards, plastic cards, Qr cards, proximity cards

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Memory and processor cards Plastic Cards

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Memory and processor cards

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Chip Cards   are  cards with   memory   in the form of   an electronic circuit   (chip ).  Chip cards   are rewritable   and   readout   the information   in digital form.  Reading out the   information   is done by   inserting   the card   into the card reader .

Chip   has a greater   capacity   than   magnetic strip  so you   can   store more   information.   Chip cards   allow you to   save   up to   32   KB of data ,  processor cards from 1 to 16   KB .  The guaranteed   number   of saving operations   onto   the   memory   card  is  10   thousand ,  for processor cards   100   thousand .

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